Cerebral Palsy Glossary

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Abnormal gait 
Deviation from normal walking

Absence Seizures 
Sudden brief loss of consciousness with rapid recovery. They are usually associated with staring and repetitive eye blinking. Also known as petit mal seizures.

The degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible.

Removing obstacles that impede accessibility, thereby helping a person with disabilities function and participate in a typical environment.

Adaptive behavior 
The ability to adjust to new situations, tasks, environments, people, and objects. Also to learn new adaptive skills and apply them to other situations.

Adaptive equipment 
Physical props or supports to aid those with special needs. (i.e. corner chair, prone board, etc)

The inward movement of a limb towards the body.

Speaking on behalf of a person, cause, or group to support or promote their actions.

AFO: Ankle Foot Orthoses 
A partial leg brace made of lightweight plastic that controls the foot and ankle and ends at the calf

Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum 
A birth defect with partial/complete absence of the corpus callosum

Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) 
The use of non-verbal techniques to communicate. Can include sign language, gestures, pictures, or a computerised device.

The ability to walk

Departure from what is considered typical

Anticonvulsant (or Antieplieptic drug AED) 
A drug used to control seizures

Aqua Therapy 
A therapeutic procedure which attempts to improve function through the application of aquatic therapeutic exercises

The ability to move and control all parts of the mouth to make the sounds of a language.

To suck or draw in food or liquids into the lungs by inhaling. Children with CP often swallow improperly while drinking and getting a small portion in the lungs. Drinking through a straw helps prevent aspiration, as does thickening the liquid, or limiting the amount of each sip or bite.

Assessment (or evaluation)
The process of determining a person’s developmental strengths and weaknesses by observation and testing by a team of professionals and parents.

Blurry vision due to either the irregular shape of the cornea, the clear front cover of the eye, or sometimes the curvature of the lens inside the eye.

Lacking symmetry i.e. when one side of the body is different from the other.

Unbalanced gait due to damage in the cerebellum

Uncontrolled writhing, Parkinsonian movements

Lack of normal muscle tissue

To deteriorate or progressively weaken, refers to muscle tissue in children with CP

Auditory processing 
Being able to understand individual speech sounds quickly enough to comprehend the meaning of what is being spoken.

Provides customised hearing assessments and diagnostic testing.

Feeling or behavior that often precedes a seizure


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