Cerebral Palsy Foundation & In4kids:
Joining Together for Brighter Tomorrows for Children with CP in Ireland

A Research Focused Parent Advisory Group
The Parent Advisory Group (PAG) allows parents to contribute their practical insights and experiences to research, ensuring that their perspectives are integrated into every stage of the process. This PAG was set up with thanks to support from Health Research Board (HRB)
Find out more about our Cerebral Palsy PAG here!
Early Detection & Intervention for Cerebral Palsy in Ireland
Led by Prof. Brian Walsh of the INFANT Centre, University College Cork & Consultant Neonatologist at Cork University Maternity Hospital, this national study aims to reduce the age of diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy in Ireland to 9 months of age. It is funded by Cerebral Palsy Foundation.
The study is active in the four tertiary Maternity Hospitals: CUMH, Rotunda, Coombe Women & Infant’s Hospital and National Maternity Hospital. In addition, the study will shortly starting in University Hospital Waterford and Children’s Health Ireland.
Find out more about the study here!
Apples TeleHealth
Funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH) and recruited via Cerebral Palsy Foundation, APPLES is an early invention study to help restore hand and arm function in very young children with or at high-risk for cerebral palsy!
Children between 4 and 13 months of age who have cerebral palsy or are at high risk for cerebral palsy are eligible to participate in this study.
Visit the CPF Resource website here to find out more.
The COOLPrime study is taking place in 14 hospitals in the USA as well as in the Cork University Maternity Hospital. It has received funding from Patient Centred Outcomes Research Institute and is led by University of Texas Southwestern Medical Study. Here in Ireland, the study is led by Prof. Brian Walsh of the Infant Centre, UCC.
COOL Prime (Comparative Effectiveness for Cooling Prospectively Infants with Mild Encephalopathy) is an observational study looking at the effects of therapeutic hypothermia (TH) vs normothermia (NT) in infants with mild hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). The choice of therapy will be based on each clinical site’s existing practice.
Find out more about the study here!
Information Leaflets
Coming soon