Study Feasibility

Study feasibility is a process through which a clinical trial sponsor (or representative e.g. Clinical Research Organisation) identifies potential investigator sites and evaluates if they are suitable to conduct the clinical trial. in4kids provides a service to streamline the clinical trial investigator site identification and study feasibility process nationally, delivering consistency and efficiency in the process. Our study feasibility service is free of charge with an aim to secure more research opportunities for children and infants to ensure that Ireland is internationally recognised as a preferred location for paediatric clinical trials.

The Study Feasibility Programme connects academic and industry sponsors with potential investigators. The in4kids network act as the channel through which study feasibility assessments can be distributed and completed efficiently. Our network is utilised to significantly reduce the time taken to identify investigator sites and to assess study feasibility.

To place a study feasibility request:

Please email and include the following supporting information and documents:

  • Protocol synopsis
  • Study feasibility questionnaire (if available)
  • Study timelines, including accrual timelines (local and international)
  • Any specific trial related questions which are critical to evaluating feasibility (e.g. Standard treatments, study assessments etc.)
  • Confirm if the study is definitely being placed in Ireland, or if the applicant is currently bidding for the study
  • Confidential disclosure agreement (if available)
  • A list of potential sites (if available) and confirmation of which sites have been approached to date

To register as a potential investigator:

If you are a health care professional please register here as an in4kids paediatric research investigator to participate in the Feasibility Programme. Investigator members are promptly informed of the latest research opportunities as they arise and can complete study feasibilities for studies of interest to them within their area of clinical interest.

For further information, or to discuss how we can assist you, please email