1.     Background
The In4kids Executive Management Committee (EMC) is constituted as a committee of the In4kids Clinical Trial Network. The In4kids EMC is made up of the Lead, co-Lead, co-applicants, PPI representative, at least one representative of non-consultant grade medical staff and the network manager. This Terms of Reference (ToR) sets out the working arrangements for a network and lists importance information about the purpose, structure, roles and responsibilities and meeting schedule.

2.     Purpose
EMC is accountable to HRB for the operation of the network, meeting the deliverables and milestones of the projects and scientific and financial reporting. EMC will provide oversight to the network managed by the Operations Committee.

3.     Term
This Terms of Reference is effective from 10st May 2022 and will be ongoing until terminated by agreement between the parties.

4.     Membership

The EMC will comprise of:

  • Geraldine Boylan, In4kids Lead
  • Eleanor Molloy, In4kids co-lead
  • Imelda Coyne, In4kids co-applicant
  • Manda Daly, In4kids co-applicant & PPI representative
  • Eugene Dempsey, In4kids co-applicant
  • Declan Devane, In4kids co-applicant
  • Prof Jonathan Hourihane, In4kids co-applicant
  • Prof Paul McNally, In4kids co-applicant
  • Prof Deirdre Murray, In4kids co-applicant
  • Prof Colm O’Donnell, In4kids co-applicant
  • Prof Mark Turner, In4kids co-applicant
  • Teresa Berkery, Network Manager

5.     Responsibilities

EMC will develop and make all decisions relating to the strategy of the network. EMC will oversee the management the work package (WP) activities described in Business Plan of the network. Each member of the EMC will be responsible for one or more activities or element of strategy and will be supported by collaborators of the In4kids network.

WP1 – Governance & Network Management

Led by: Geraldine Boylan

Supported by:  Eleanor Molloy & Owen Smith

WP2 – Trial Coordination & Oversight                                 

Led by: Geraldine Boylan

Supported by:  Jonathan Hourihane, Colm O’Donnell, Damien Kenny & Declan O’Rourke

WP3 – Public & Patient Involvement                        

Led by: Eleanor Molloy

Supported by:  Imelda Coyne, Mandy Daly, Barry Linnane, Alan Irvine

WP4 – Education & Training             

Led by: Eleanor Molloy

Supported by:  Gene Dempsey & Declan Devane, Ellen Crushell, John Murphy

WP5 – Business Development and Sustainability     

Led by: Geraldine Boylan

Supported by:  Paul McNally, Mark Turner, Joe Eustace & Martina Hennessy

WP6 – Communication & Dissemination                  

Led by: Eleanor Molloy

Supported by:  Deirdre Murray & Louise Gallagher, Barry Linnane & Mandy Daly

EMC sets policy for trial operations, including adoption. EMC will review the allocation of network resources quarterly. EMC will seek the opinions of International Advisory Board and General Assembly as appropriate.

The Committee will form subcommittees, and task and finish groups to support activities/strategy development, including sustainability. The subcommittees/task and finish groups may co-opt members as needed. Standing subcommittees of the EMC will include sustainability (including business, finance, and philanthropy skills) and site relationships (including a senior clinical champion from each site to promote alignment between network and site strategies).

The membership of the EMC will commit to:

  • attending all scheduled EMC meetings
  • wholeheartedly championing the network within and outside of work areas
  • sharing all communications and information across all Network/Advisory Group members
  • making timely decisions and acting so as to not hold up the project
  • notifying members of the EMC, as soon as practical, if any matter arises which may be deemed to affect the development of the Network

Members of the EMC will expect:

  • that each member will be provided with complete, accurate and meaningful information in a timely manner
  • to be given reasonable time to make key decisions
  • to be alerted to potential risks and issues that could impact the project, as they arise
  • open and honest discussions, without resort to any misleading assertions
  • ongoing ‘health checks’ to verify the overall status and ‘health’ of the network.

6.     Meetings
All meetings will be chaired by Geraldine Boylan, INFANT Research centre.
Decisions will be made by consensus (i.e. members are satisfied with the decision even though it may not be their first choice) provided a minimum of 5 members were present for the discussion. Voting rights are restricted to Network Leads & Co-applicants.
Meeting agendas and minutes will be provided by Teresa Berkery, In4kids Network manager.
Meetings will be held bi-monthly for 1 hour using Teams. If required, subgroup meetings will be arranged outside of these times at a time convenient to subgroup members.

7.     Amendment, Modification or Variation

This Terms of Reference may be amended, varied, or modified in writing after consultation and agreement by In4kids EMC members.