Prof Mark Turner
- Consultant Neonatologist
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Paediatrics & Child Health, UCC
- Professor of Neonatology and Research Delivery, Liverpool
Professor Mark Turner is a clinical Neonatologist with a passion for improving the medicines that are given to babies and children.
As a CI or PI in multicentred studies of 14 medicines and 3 excipients, he has examined methods to evaluate drug safety, medicines administration and the costs of off-label medicines. This experience has led him to work with regulators, pharmaceutical and research networks in the UK, Europe and globally to improve the way we do research that involves children In addition, he has contributed to four paediatric investigation plans (two with industry).
Prof Turner drove the setup of the 20 country pan-European paediatric Clinical Trials Network funded by IMI2, conect4chidren (c4C) and is co-Coordinator of that project with responsibility for the setup and implementation of the network (including the allocation of €25 million funding for clinical trials).
He has sat on the Executive Committee of the English Medicines for Children Research Network for a decade including as Associate Director for International Liaison. He also chaired the European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Network for six years.
He contributed to the development of five European research infrastructures and one in the USA. He is the European Co-Director of the International Neonatal Consortium, hosted by the Critical Path Institute and funded by the FDA and industry. Prof Turner has chaired the UK NICE Guideline Development Group on Early Onset Neonatal Infection in 2012 and is President of the European Society for Developmental, Perinatal and Paediatric Pharmacology.
The urgent need for research coordination to advance knowledge on COVID-19 in children.
Bourgeois FT, Avillach P, Turner MA. Pediatr Res. 2020 Nov 11:1-3. doi: 10.1038/s41390-020-01259-8
The conect4children (c4c) Consortium: Potential for Improving European Clinical Research into Medicines for Children.
Turner MA, Hildebrand H, Fernandes RM, de Wildt SN, Mahler F, Hankard R, Leary R, Bonifazi F, Nobels P, Cheng K, Attar S, Rossi P, Rocchi F, Claverol J, Nafria B, Giaquinto C.Pharmaceut Med. 2021 Mar;35(2):71-79. doi: 10.1007/s40290-020-00373-6. Epub 2021 Feb 4.
Prospective identification and causality evaluation of suspected adverse drug reactions in neonates.
Roberts EK, Hawcutt DB, Turner MA. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2020 Jul 21. doi: 10.1111/bcp.14485